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How To Write An Event Description? Top 6 Steps To Follow

Yapsody event ticketing - Steps to nail event descriptions
Yapsody event ticketing - Steps to nail event descriptions

Your event description is the initial point of contact to capture potential attendees online. With today’s consumer habits, they will form a judgment about your page in less than a second, which could lead to them leaving your page.

Hence, in this guide, we have compiled steps you should follow to write perfect descriptions that pique the interest of your potential attendees. Moreover you’ll also gain insights into how to tailor your event description across various digital platforms to encourage participation, generating high ticket sales.

Continue reading to write your next event description like a pro!

How To Write An Event Description? Key Steps To Follow

In this section, we’ll delve into crucial steps organizers should follow to craft event descriptions that not only resonate with their audience but also showcase their event in the best light!

1. Identify Your Event’s Voice and Tone

Before you start writing the description, determine the voice and tone that best represents your event. Every event has its unique character, and it should consistently come across. For instance, a business conference discussing industry trends would adopt a formal tone, in contrast to a multi-day music festival that would likely be more conversational.

How to Discover your Event’s Voice and Tone?

Voice and tone, while interconnected, serve distinct roles. Voice is the consistent style of your communication, evident across all your brand messaging. On the other hand, tone adjusts based on the context, like conveying enthusiasm in an event announcement versus urgency in a last-minute email.

To discover your event’s voice and tone, consider asking yourself these questions:

  • How do I want the audience to feel when they discover my event?
  • Which voice style (e.g., playful, formal, expert) aligns best with my audience?
  • If the event was personified, what would be its conversational style?

2. Craft a Compelling Event Narrative

Event Name

Your event’s name is its first impression. Aim for it to be impactful and easy to remember. The name doesn’t have to say it all; it just needs to pique interest enough to draw visitors to your event page.

Event Tagline

While taglines might seem like just a marketing strategy, top-tier events leverage them to encapsulate their event’s essence, both inspiringly and memorably. Feature your tagline prominently on your website, in emails, during the event, on social platforms, and beyond! 


Three key pointers for a great tagline:

  • While there’s no strict rule on length, to ensure search engines display your complete tagline, keep it under 160 characters
  • Crafting the ideal tagline often requires several drafts. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, so brainstorm multiple versions and collaborate with your team
  • Clarity over cleverness. Ensure your tagline reflects your event’s value proposition, with a sprinkle of your brand’s unique flair.

Event Description

Your event description should highlight the benefits of attending the event in a clear and concise manner.

Here’s a guide to crafting a compelling description:

  • Begin with a structured outline, laying down your thoughts before diving deep.
  • Use distinct sections with headers for clarity
  • Implement bullet points for skimmable content
  • Use online tools like the Hemingway App to improve content readability

Maximizing Visibility And Ticket Sales: Tailoring Event Descriptions Across Different Platforms

Here are some strategies to refine your event description for maximum impact across various digital platforms.

1. Event Listing / Website

A majority audience start their quest for events on search engines. Thus, having a dedicated event page or listing not only boosts search visibility but also provides in-depth information to potential attendees.

Here are some tips to customize your event description for your event listing/ website:

  • Prioritize original, top-notch content. Google values uniqueness.
  • Integrate an FAQ section to clear potential attendee doubts.
  • Clearly outline your refund policy for transparency.

2. Email

Considering 4 billion people check their email daily, it’s vital to make your event emails stand out amidst the clutter.

Here’s how to use your event description to draft the ideal email invitation:

  • Compose an engaging subject line (preferably under 70 characters), personalize for the recipient, and induce urgency
  • Ensure the headline and body copy are succinct, coherent, and guide the reader to your call to action (CTA)
  • Use an assertive CTA like “Buy Tickets” and keep it brief
  • Position your CTA at both the top and bottom of your email, linking it to the appropriate webpage

3. Social Media

Given the widespread usage of platforms like Facebook by about 71.43% of Americans, it’s crucial to harness social media’s power efficiently.

Here are some quick tips for using your event description in social posts:

  • Get acquainted with character limits and platform norms. Pair posts with eye-catching visuals for more engagement
  • Use bullet points for better readability on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn
  • Don’t shy away from humor, if it aligns with your event’s voice and tone, to attract attention

4. Display & Search Ads

Display and search ads offer effective ways to promote your event online beyond Facebook campaigns. Display ads, incorporating both text and images, can appear anywhere on the internet and are excellent for retargeting potential attendees. In contrast, search ads are text-based and appear at the top of search engine results.

Regardless of the method chosen, remember these pointers:

  • Maintain brevity in your ad copy to enhance readability
  • Incorporate relevant keywords in search ads to target applicable searches
  • Include a compelling call-to-action and ensure to test your links for reliability

Mastering The Art Of Event Descriptions

In conclusion, creating an impactful event description is crucial in attracting attendees and ensuring the success of your event. It requires a thoughtful approach that encompasses understanding your event’s voice and tone, crafting a compelling narrative, and tailoring your message across various digital platforms.Remember, your event description is not just a summary of your event, but a powerful tool to drive engagement and generate high ticket sales.

Still not sure how to utilize these pointers into an effective event description that attracts attendees? Stay tuned for more tips on writing the perfect event description. Meanwhile, start creating your new events with Yapsody, the one-stop solution for all your event ticketing needs.

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