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6 Types Of Live Events That Are Social Distancing Friendly

walker's drive in
walker's drive in

Figuring out new ways to acquire and retain your event attendees in the new normal? We have you covered. The best way to go about this is by choosing the right event venue and of course, the type of live event you organize. 

With the launch of Social Distancing Holds into our Inventory Management feature, event organizers can now adhere to socially distanced seating and safety protocols.  

With the rollout of our Social Distancing Holds, you can enable automated holds in their seating sections, where they can block/hold the desired number of seats for appropriate social distancing. 

Creating an additional layer of event safety is now easily achievable by configuring your holds, hold codes and the number of blocked seats for each event performance from your Event Setup Wizard interface.

Social Distancing Hold

Considering the audience preferences for safe events in the new normal, here are 6 types of live events that are social distancing and COVID-19 friendly.

1. Drive-In Concerts

Yapsody Event Ticketing Blog - Social Distancing Friendly Events - Drive-In Concerts

The demand for drive-in concerts has increased as it is considered to be safe with event attendees enjoying the live show in the confines of their vehicle. Think of old parking lots of stadiums that can be converted into your live event venue with social distancing and sanitized protocols in place.

2. Dinner Theater Shows

Dinner theatre may prove to have some significant advantages irrespective of the coronavirus. Some of the most coveted casino attendee demographics recall classic Las Vegas in which reserved seating events were the norm. Such nostalgic Las Vegas dinner theatre provided a sense of VIP treatment and quality entertainment. In presenting dinner theatre as a proactive measure for minimizing COVID risk, entertainment venues might end up discovering the demand for a resurgence of dinner theatre that they may wish to continue into the long term.  Furthermore, this approach presents entertainment providing venues with opportunities to become a trendsetter within their surrounding communities and amongst all venues in their region of operations.

3. Outdoor Yoga & Fitness Camps

Health & wellness-based events are on the rise as people are looking forward to improving their physical and mental well-being. You could easily set up an outdoor yoga or fitness camp at your local park with a limited set of people involved. Wondering how many of your event attendees would be interested to participate? Simply use our questionnaires & survey feature to get an approximate target and create logical surveys.

4. Invite-Only Conferences & Live Events

With the past few months being reserved for lockdowns, many business professionals are looking for networking opportunities that get them back on track. Needless to say, it’s not possible to host an all-out expo with thousands of people converging at the same time.

Invite-only events streamline your event exclusivity and create a sense of relief among your conference attendees as they can network with a limited yet relevant group of people. Choose an indoor or outdoor event where you can install white screens and appropriate seating arrangements.

5. Outdoor Fairs

Book sales, food fests, and other outdoor fairs with event catering can be a breath of fresh air for audiences as they have been waiting to get out for a long time. Outdoor fairs with a general admission style of entry would help them break the monotony of being stuck in lockdowns. Of course, you can mandate the rule of no masks = no entry.

Yapsody Event Ticketing Blog - Social Distancing Friendly Events -Outdoor Fairs

6. Livestreams

It is quite understandable if your event attendees are unwilling to step outside for your events in the wake of the pandemic. However, that doesn’t rule out the fact that they might be interested in live streams they enjoy from the comfort of their homes – from live concerts and virtual conferences, the ideas are a handful. Whitefire Theatre has been using our platform for all their live streaming of their festival entirely. Sign up with us for any of your live event needs.

Yapsody Event Ticketing Blog - Social Distancing Friendly Events - Studio - Livestream event

Many are looking to upskill themselves during this period of productive hibernation and you as an event organizer can plan for different formats of online masterclasses. It can range from cooking, coding, writing, dancing, or simply an online meetup.

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