Spotlight Studios for the Performing Arts
Presenter Spotlight

Event tickets were sold to date by Spotlight Studios through 50+ events.
Years of continuous trust and loyalty towards our ticketing platform.
Event tickets are sold on an average every year through their shows and performances.
Major aspects of their event management such as multiple performance creation payment integration, real-time sales analytics, ticket validation, and 24/7 support were vastly improved.
CSAT scores were achieved for both their online and offline guest requests, queries, and customer engagement.
Highly-rated features by Spotlight Studio were the Online Ticket Store, Event Setup Wizard, and Invite-Only Access Codes
Spotlight Studios for the Performing Arts in Fairpoint, NY offers musical theatre training to children, teens and adults, keeping with its motto: Everyone deserves a chance to be in the Spotlight! The studio even co-produces shows at their intimate 100 seater black box theatre and helps performers build a following – be it vocal, instrumental, improv or stand up comedy.
Spotlight Live-Learning Musicals are educational experiences for all skill levels. Students register for the production and then are taught audition material, tips and tricks. Auditions take place the first few classes for placement within the cast (all who register will be in the show). The following weeks are spent learning the show material as well as acting, singing and dance skills that will be useful in the production and beyond. A full performance open to the public is produced at the end of the program.
Private lessons provide the most specialized instruction possible, for all skill levels. Lessons are provided in voice, drama, piano, dance, guitar, ukulele and audition preparation (for school, community or college auditions.)
“An entire evening of original one act plays written, rehearsed, and performed in 24 hours by 8-12th graders! These are theatre events unlike any other. They are tiring, they are stressful, but they are always fun!In “24”, artists in 7-12th grade gather together one evening. By the same time the next evening, several teen authors will have written brand new original plays. Several teen directors will take these plays and cast from a pool of teen performers. Then they rehearse, rehearse, rehearse until show time!
Spotlight also allows you to play a part in the success of their shows! This is an opportunity for volunteers to work “Front of House” (tickets, concessions, ushering) for ANY Spotlight shows (musicals, plays, improv shows). Work one or several performances. This is a great chance to learn the ins and outs of running a theater, plus you get to see the show for free. Time spent in this program can be used for volunteer hours!
Work directly with production team members on any Live-Learning program younger than you, or any Play in the Spotlight season. This hands-on experience is a great way to learn what it takes to put on a production. Interns attend all rehearsals and are involved from auditions to closing night, helping production team members and interacting directly with cast members.
Spotlight Studios decided to use Yapsody’s online ticketing system to simplify the process of ticket purchases, refunds and ticket validation and to entirely eliminate the challenges that came in using paper tickets.
John Barthelmes, Artistic Director of Spotlight Studios has been using Yapsody to sell their theatre tickets online to over 20 shows a year.
PLAN: Platinum Tier
“Having Yapsody as our ticketing service has made our lives so much easier.”
– John Barthelmes, Artistic Director of Spotlight Studios for the Performing Arts
John Barthelmes says, “Having Yapsody as our ticketing service has made our lives so much easier.” John recommends Yapsody to everyone. He even convinced another theatre group in the area to use Yapsody for their ticketing. They have assigned seating so between Yapsody support and his help, they got that set up and it works beautifully. He is also quick to recommend Yapsody whenever anyone on social media asks for ticketing website advice.
Check out their case study here.